Sunday, January 02, 2011

Morris Stockholm - What a Life

Brands are notorious for trying to promote a lifestyle, but most of them come across as ridiculous or outrageous.  Abercrombie comes to mind, they promote a lifestyle with their clothing but it's a life of washboard abs, shirtless escapades and homoerotic games of tackle football.  This is not exactly a life I can relate to or I would call aspirational.

But someone like Morris Stockholm, they promote a lifestyle with their clothes.  A lifestyle that includes refined elegance and an ellusion of filled bank account and a long tradition of taking the yacht out or trips to Wimbledon.  The Morris Stockholm lifestyle is one that I can support, and for some reason feels attainable, if I just have the right sweater or the right red socks.

Take a look at the inspiring Morris Stockholm collection and journey with me to the world of jaunts to the Swiss Alps and overnight excursions to Venice, Italy.  It certainly helps that the clothes are spectacularly gorgeous and the colors juxapositions are eccentric yet attainable.

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